Monday 18 November 2013

Experimentation With My Contemporary Elizabethan Designs

Here I have practiced creating one of my contemporary Elizabethan hair designs. I started by sectioning two small bit of hair at the front to use to create my pin curls with and clipped to one side. I then took a section of hair onto of the hard and back combed underneath and rolled padding into it to create my desired shape. I then curled the bits of hair at the front round my finger to create two pin curls and pinned them into place on the head. 

At the back of the hair, I put the rest of the hair into a half ponytail and split it in half and wrapped the end bit of hair round the centre and pinned into place to create a bow shape.  
I like this design and think it would improve if I added the embellishments to it like I have drawn on my modern hairstyle with Elizabethan detailing.

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